MANCC Artists

Choose from the artists below to preview their work at MANCC.

  • Audrey Hailes, Maria Bauman, and Olivia Mozie rehearse in the studio before the Dr. William R. Jones<br>Symposium
  • Bauman and Mozie rehearse
  • Dr. Chioke I’Anson observes Bauman, Mozie, and Hailes in process
  • Audrey Hailes
  • Maria Bauman with Hailes and Mozie sitting behind
  • Rhapsody Stiggers dances with I'Anson, Bauman, Hailes, and Mozie in the background
  • Rhapsody Stiggers
  • Maria Bauman
  • Hailes and Mozie dance while Dr. I'Anson takes notes
  • Maria Bauman and Olivia Mozie
  • Stiggers and Hailes
  • Audrey Hailes and Olivia Mozie


Featured Artist

Faye Driscoll

February 22 - 24
Carolina Performing
Arts, UNC Chapel Hill


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